Saturday, July 21, 2007


Hello all,
Well two nights ago I was startled awake by the entire house shaking violently and the windows rattling so hard, I thought that they would break. At first, because of the time (3:40am) I thought someone was trying to break in the apartment, but after quickly gathering my bearings, I realized that it was an earthquake. I was completely freaked out. I tried to wake Ray up to tell him, but all I could rouse out of him was "that's nice go back to bed"...... and a complete blank stare the next morning when I reminded him of the incident and trying to wake him up...(in case you hadn't noticed, he is a very sound sleeper....)
I found on the Alaska earthquake web page that it was a 4.2 earthquake about 100 miles west of here. This earthquake was at the SAME EXACT time as the earthquake in San Francisco the other day which got press in the media, but not even a yawn from folks from Alaska. Unbelievable.

The bear web cam is up and I wanted you to all experience the live bears first hand. I believe that it is up from 1:00pm-5:00pm Alaska time. Which is generally 4 hours behind anyone on the east coast. The web site to see this is and click on bear cam.
Have fun. It's another beautiful day here in Alaska!

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